Hey, I’m Sophie.

I am a Mum to a lovely little boy, Rudy who was born in July 2023. I live in Sutton with my husband Alec, French Bulldog Nellie and fluffy moggy Marley. Alongside all things birth & baby I love coffee, red wine, trashy reality TV or a good crime doc, all things Autumn and finding new places to walk Nellie.

I have a degree Early Childhood which opened doors for me to be a professional Nanny in the UK and USA, working with children between the ages of 0 - 12. The skills I gained from my work experience and the knowledge I acquired on the fourth trimester during my Hypnobirthing teacher training led me to become a Postnatal Doula, where I nurture and support families. I am also Co-Chair for the Maternity Voices Partnership for Epsom & St Helier Hospital, jointly leading a working group of parents & healthcare professionals with the aim of reviewing and developing maternity services and experiences.

So, how did I get into birth work? Well, before I became pregnant I had a great fear of birth. I had heard the usual ‘horror stories’ from friends and colleagues and thought birth was something uncontrollable that would happen to me rather than an experience I could make positive and tailor myself. These stories and experiences had programmed me to fear birth, so much so that I found it difficult to even think about giving birth. Everything around us shows birth in a negative light. How many films or TV shows have you seen where the woman is on her back with her legs in the air screaming her head off? I was fairly certain that if I were to ever have a baby I would have an elective c-section to bypass all of it. That was until I became pregnant myself!

I found Hypnobirthing in 2023 when I was pregnant with my son. I began following positive birth accounts on Instagram as I wanted to change my current thoughts and overcome my fears. The day I gave birth was going to be one of the biggest and most emotional days of my life, I wanted to make sure I did all that I could to make the day I met my child a positive and memorable one. One I could look back on with a feeling of achievement and empowerment. My husband and I dug deep into Hypnobirthing and it really was life changing. I dealt with my previous fears and spent my pregnancy feeling informed, confident and excited to meet my baby.

We practised Hypnobirthing every day and made sure we were clued up on all aspects of birth. I ended up having a positive birth at Epsom Hospital. Did it go how I expected? No. Was it pain-free? Definitely not BUT It was the most intense, wonderful and empowering experience of my life.

Hypnobirthing has a shit name, let’s be honest! It makes those that don’t know what it is think it’s hippy, fluffy and not for them. Hypnobirthing is for everyone, from those having home births to those having planned c-sections. When people think of Hypnobirthing they think it is simply breathing techniques and nothing more, if it was then my course would be 10 minutes long instead of 10 hours! Hypnobirthing gave me the confidence and tools to plan the birth I wanted. I was able to navigate the maternity system and decline the induction I was offered on multiple occasions. I ended up having some medical interventions during labour but I had the knowledge behind me to make informed choices and I fully understood what I was agreeing to. I want to help others have a positive, empowering birth when perhaps you can’t see that that could ever be an option? I have experienced first hand the power of Hypnobirthing and have been shouting about it from the rooftops ever since.

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